(below left) UCCF brought lots of info for prospective members.
The myriad Clubs,societies and island associations in operation at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus were given an oportunity to show new and continuing students what they have to offer as the National Affairs Committee hosted the Clubs and Societies Expo as a part of their Fresher's Week programme.Several tents lined the lawn as students sifted through information and memorabilia offered by the clubs and societies on hand while listening to advice from the personell of the various groups as to why they should join or support their club.
Represented where UCCFUniversity and Colleges Christian Fellowships,Campus Crusade for Christ(CCC) The Advent Society, U.W.I Dance Society,U.W.I HARP,Debating Society,Circle K,Rotaract Club,Island Roots,Combined Territories, and several island associations.
(below) Island Roots doing a brisk trade in t-shirts.

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