(left)Psilos' Rythm guitarist digging into a phat groove.
(above)"Vacant Head Space" is young and energetic onstage!
(left) Standing Penance's frontman is rocking out!
Postponed for a week due to persistent showers,the rockers,rappers and rythm poets would not be denied their spot in the lime-light as Woodstock came to Cave Hill last Wednesday night.A late start resulted in an intimate gathering of students and followers of the local "live music" scene huddled together on the guild lawn with eyes and ears directed toward the action onstage.
First of the bands onstage was "Standing Penance" performing a number of covers mingled with originals including the crowd pleasing "Chop Suey" and Drowning Pool's "Let the bodies hit the Floor."The other band's onstage were the up and coming, rock-oriented "Vacant Head Space" and the more mature "Psilos" with their funkier,jazzier sound.The poetry/open mic segment included offerings by Geeva,with a deep piece entitled "Path to sunrise" among others. Backed by DJ's and the Azband were local free-style rappers Sun Rok and Rhyme Minister who performed some of their more familiar songs.A t the end of the night though one would have to say that rock music reigned supreme on Woodstock Wednesday!!
First of the bands onstage was "Standing Penance" performing a number of covers mingled with originals including the crowd pleasing "Chop Suey" and Drowning Pool's "Let the bodies hit the Floor."The other band's onstage were the up and coming, rock-oriented "Vacant Head Space" and the more mature "Psilos" with their funkier,jazzier sound.The poetry/open mic segment included offerings by Geeva,with a deep piece entitled "Path to sunrise" among others. Backed by DJ's and the Azband were local free-style rappers Sun Rok and Rhyme Minister who performed some of their more familiar songs.A t the end of the night though one would have to say that rock music reigned supreme on Woodstock Wednesday!!