(above) President Padmore adressing students and fellow councillors at the General Meeting.
Reassurance was the word the modest gathering of students received from Guild President Carl Padmore and his twenty strong contingent at Last Thursday's General Meeting.Padmore now in his second year of office, was backed by his full compliment of council members and seemed to be on top of most of the major issues.He urged the student body to "keep us (the Guild council) on our toes"during his welcome,question and answer segment, as well as closing remarks.
The highly anticipated Treasurer's report was relatively well received with students calling mainly for the document to be published so they could have a better grasp of the figures within.
Students raised perrenial issues such as,better bus service, the price of books and the lack of oportunities for part-time students to take part in extra-curricular activities, for all of which, solutions were suggested.
The two ensured the meeting followed the agenda and ran smoothly,the "bashment" of previous general meetings, seemingly a thing of the past.
Other speakers on the night included Vice-President Odwin Trenton with the Inter-Clubs Committee report,Social Sciences reprsentative Damian "Figgy"Belgrave,delivering on behalf of the five faculties,The Post Graduate Representative, who said litlle owing to the abscence of post graduates in the audience and Games Committee Chairperson Akil Dowridge who spoke of the upcoming Inter Campus Games.
The meeting was held on September 30th in the Lecture Theatre 1 of the Roy Marshall Complex and lasted just under three hours.
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